- 计算机通信工程英语词汇翻译 A B C D E F G H I J K L M N O P Q R S T U V W X Y Z
- 弹性储存器 elastic store
- 弹性强度压力 elastic strength pressure
- 橡皮圈- 水桶线索 elastic-bucket trie
- 弹性 elasticity
- 弹性缓冲及链接管理 elasticity buffer and link management
- 弹性接触交换 elastomeric contact switching
- 超载冒烟 Electing a Pope
- 选择 election
- 选举标示语言 election markup language
- 驻极体 electret
- 驻极体电容器 electret condenser
- 驻极体麦克风 electret microphone
- 电 electric
- 电子计帐机 electric accounting machine
- 电与磁单位 electric and magnetic units
- 电池 electric battery,ELB
- 电爆电路 electric blasting circuit
- 电缆 electric cable,ELC
- 电子计算器 electric calculating machine
- 电子现金收款机 electric cash register
- 电荷 electric charge
- 电路 electric circuit
- 电流 electric current
- 电流密度 electric current density
- 电流测量 electric current measurement