- 电子专业英语词汇翻译 A B C D E F G H I J K L M N O P Q R S T U V W X Y Z
- 贝尔系统参考系统 "Bell system reference system
- 贝尔电话实验室 "Bell telephone laboratories
- 贝尔电话制造 "Bell telephone manufacturing
- 基准 "benchmark
- 基准程序 "benchmark program
- 本迪克斯整合数据系统 "Bendix integrated data system
- 柏克莱计算器公司 "Berkeley Computer Corporation
- BSD 公司 "Berkeley Software Design
- 柏克莱系统分配 "Berkeley system distribution
- 伯斯托系统 "Bestell system
- 比万信息产生器 "Bevan information generator
- 书目数据处理程序 "bibliographic data processing program
- 书目检索服务 "bibliographic retrieval services
- 双向相联内存 "bidirectional associative memory
- 双向收发器组件 "bidirectional transceiver element
- 双向双工冗余(度) "biduplexed redundancy
- 双调和偏微分方程式 "biharmonic partial differential equation
- 提单 "bill of lading
- 材料清单 "bill of material
- 材料清单系统 "bill of material system
- 销售清单 "bill of sale
- 每秒十亿条指令(CPU速度的测量单位) "billion instructions per second
- 二进制模拟转换 "binary analog conversion
- 二元非对称通道 "binary asymmetric channel
- 二进制码 "binary code