- 电子专业英语词汇翻译 A B C D E F G H I J K L M N O P Q R S T U V W X Y Z
- 总线接口缓存器 "bus interface register
- 总线输出奇偶 "bus out parity
- 总线输出奇偶检查 "bus out parity check
- 总线请求 "bus request
- 商业和工程增强版FORTRAN "business and engineering enriched FORTRAN
- 商业与工程用FORTRAN "business and engineering FORTRAN
- 商业批处理系统 "business batch system
- 商用通讯系统 "business communication system
- 商业计算机中心 "business computer center
- 商用计算器系统 "business computer system
- 商业数据处理 "business data processing
- 商业电子数据处理系统技术 "business EDP system technique
- 商用电子计算器 "business electronic computer
- 商用图形公用程序 "business graphics utilities
- 商用图形公用程序 "business graphics utility
- 商业信息系统 "business information system
- 商业管理会计系统 "business management accounting system
- 业务流程革新 "business process innovation
- 商业专业系统 "business professional system
- 商用报告应用开发系统 "business report application development system
- 商业软件联盟 "business software alliance
- 业务系统规划 "business system planning
- 穷忙 "busy beaver
- 忙位 "busy bit
- 字节计数缓存器 "byte count register