- 电磁学&电子工程专业词汇英语翻译 A B C D E F G H I J K L M N O P Q R S T U V W X Y Z
- 砂布 abrasive cloth
- 研磨盘,砂轮 abrasive disk
- 砂纸 abrasive paper
- 耐磨力,耐磨度 abrasive resistance
- 磨损面 abrasive surface
- 磨蚀,磨损 abrasive wear
- 砂轮,磨轮 abrasive wheel
- 砂轮切割机 abrasive wheel cutting-off machine
- 电压突变 abrupt change of voltage
- 陡曲线,急弯曲线 abrupt curve
- 陡接面 abrupt junction
- 裂断,中断,断路 abruption
- 横坐标,横标 abscissa
- 横坐标轴 abscissa axis
- 收敛横坐标 abscissa of convergence
- 无[碳]刷 absence of brush
- 无集电环 absence of collector
- 无换向器,无整流子 absence of commutator
- 无偏置,零偏移 absence of offset
- 无约束,无限制 absence of restriction
- 绝对准确度 absolute accuracy
- 绝对地址 absolute address
- 绝对高度,标高,海拔 absolute altitude
- 电磁制安培,绝对安培 absolute ampere
- 绝对大气压 absolute atmosphere