- 电器电子词汇英语翻译 A B C D E F G H I J K L M N O P Q R S T U V W X Y Z
- 听阈 threshold of audibility
- 发生阈 threshold of generation
- 发光阈 threshold of luminescence
- 光电放射阈 threshold of photoemission
- 灵敏度阈值 threshold of sensitivity
- 临界粒子数 threshold population
- 临界粒子数反转密度 threshold population inversion density
- 阈抽运 threshold pumping
- 阈值减低 threshold reduction
- 阈值 threshold value
- 阈可见度 threshold vision
- 阈电压 threshold voltage
- 阈波长 threshold wavelength
- 喉头送话器喉式话筒 throat microphone
- 金属化穿孔 through metallized hole
- 吞吐量 throughput
- 生产能力 throughput speed
- 铥蒸汽激光器 thulium vapor laser
- 雷电干扰 thunderstorm static
- 闸淋 thyratron
- 硅控整流可控硅 thyristor
- 砂砾特压敏电阻 thyrite
- 可控硅整流 thyrode
- 断续装置 ticker
- 连结线 tie line