- 通讯工程专业英语词汇翻译 A B C D E F G H I J K L M N O P Q R S T U V W X Y Z
- 品质 quality
- 质量因素 quality factor (Q)
- 空腔之质量因素(Q因子) quality factor Q of cavity
- 非均匀量化 quanitzing, nonuniform
- 量化器刻度 quantiser scale
- 量化,分层,量子化 quantization
- 量化位率 quantization bit rate
- 量化误差 quantization error
- 量化误差回馈 quantization error feedback
- 量化误差波形 quantization error waveform
- 量化误差之机率密度函数 quantization error, pdf of
- 量化误差变异数 quantization error, variance of
- 浮点数表现法之量化 quantization in floating-point representation
- 量化区间 quantization interval
- 量化损耗 quantization losses
- 量化矩阵 quantization matrix
- 量化噪声 quantization noise
- 具上下限输入讯号之量化 quantization of bounded input
- 以加码分布为假设之量化 quantization of gamma pdf
- 以高斯分布维假设之量化 quantization of Gaussian pdf
- 以拉卜拉斯分布为假设之量化 quantization of Laplacian pdf
- 窄频带噪声之量化 quantization of narrow-band noise
- 正弦波输入之量化 quantization of sinewave input
- 已均匀分布为假设之量化 quantization of uniform pdf
- 量化间距 quantization step