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董建华将在施政报告中透露更多详情。    Mr Tung will disclose more details in his policy address.
董建华的五年任期将于二千年六月届满。    Mr Tung's five-year term ends in June 2000.
董建华国家领导人的身份    Mr Tung's national-leader status
董建华的民望在七一游行后跌至谷底。    Mr Tung's popularity sank to an all-time low after the July protests.
海协会会长汪道涵    Mr Wang Daohan, chairman of China's Association for Relations Across the Taiwan Strait
温家宝承诺会全力支持香港。    Mr Wen also pledged his full support for Hong Kong.
温家宝承诺下年取消农业税,比原定计划提早两年。    Mr Wen pledged to abolish agricultural taxes next year, two years ahead of schedule.
温家宝在第十届全国人大二次会议闭幕后举行的记者招待会中说。    Mr Wen said at a press conference yesterday at the end of the annual plenary session of the 10th National People's Congress.
温家宝说党的领导人和全体党员要成为遵守宪法的模范。    Mr Wen said the leaders and members of the Chinese Communist Party would play an exemplary role in implementing the constitution.
公众指责黄河生的妻子开设税务公司,可能涉及利益冲突。    Mr Wong has been accused of having a potential conflict of interest over a tax consultancy run by his wife.
吴光正表示不会揣测李嘉诚的言论是否针对他。    Mr Woo said he would not speculate on whether Mr Li's remarks were aimed at him.
杨受成旗下的《东周刊》刊登一名女星在十二年前被胁持下所拍摄的裸照,引来公众哗然。杨受成最后停办该杂志。    Mr Yeung's Eastweek magazine runs a photograph of a nude actress taken during an abduction 12 years ago on its cover. The incident sparks a massive public outcry and forces Mr Yeung to shut the publication down.
张先生讲述广东和香港未来二十年的分工。    Mr Zhang also spelled out the division of labour between Guangdong and Hong Kong in the next two decades.
赵紫阳仍活着,正在医院接受治疗。    Mr Zhao was alive, although receiving treatment in hospital.
新机场调查委员会主席胡国兴    Mr. Justice Woo Kwok-hing
李柱铭认为选举失利主要是因为党员地区工作做得不够。    Mr. Lee attributed the defeat to insufficient efforts by members at the district level.
朱镕基一番话暗示他忧虑香港政府的能力和威信不足。    Mr. Zhu's comments had underlined his concerns about the capability and authority of the SAR Government.
陈方安生否认张敏仪调职是基于政治压力。    Mrs Chan dismissed claims Miss Cheung was forced out because of political pressure.
范太称她一向遵守议会规则,并力求中立。    Mrs Fan said she had always followed the Legco house rules and tried to be impartial.
任关佩英禁止大陆输入任何鸡只。    Mrs Yam also banned all poultry exports from the mainland.
(台北和新加坡)捷运    MRT (Mass Rapid Transit)
陈婉娴承认事件会令人质疑她的诚信。    Ms Chan conceded it had led to doubts about her integrity.
余若薇形容两小时的会面气氛非常良好。    Ms Eu described the atmosphere of the two-hour meeting as very good.
首次参加直选的余若薇表示,今次胜利显示市民重视民主和法治。    Ms Eu, in her first direct election campaign, said her victory was a recognition of the importance of democracy and the rule of law.???
冯女士三十一周大的胎儿终在翌日早上,因胎盘突然剥落而夭折。    Ms Fung's baby, in its 31st week of gestation, died the following morning because of a sudden breaking off of part of the placenta.
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