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中国食品卫生与检验检疫法律法规中英数据库    A B C D E F G H I J K L M N O P Q R S T U V W X Y Z


(三)列车编组情况。    (3) train marshalling.
(三)列车编组情况。    (3) train marshalling.
(三)擅自调离或者处理在口岸动植物检疫机关指定的隔离场所中隔离检疫的动植物的。    (3) Transferring or disposing of, without authorization, the animals or plants subjected to quarantine inspection in an isolation court designated by the port animal and plant quarantine office.
(四)设备布局和工艺流程应当合理。防止待加工食品与直接人口食品、原料与成品交叉污染,食品不得接触有毒物、不洁物;    (4) The layout of installations and the application of technological processes shall be rational in order to prevent contamination between foods to be processed and ready-to-eat foods, and between raw materials and finished products; food must not be placed in contact with any toxic substance or filth;
(四)对染疫人占用的部位、污染嫌疑部位,实施消毒;    (4) the places that have been occupied by the cholera cases and the places that are suspected of having been contaminated with cholera shall undergo disinfections;
(四)对染疫人占用过的部位和卫生检疫机关认为有污染嫌疑的部位,实施除虫,必要时实施消毒;    (4) the places that have been occupied by the plague victim, or that are suspected of having been contaminated with the plague, shall undergo deinsectization or disinfection if necessary;
(四)染疫的;    (4) Those infected with an epidemic disease;?
(四)染疫的;    (4) Those infected with an epidemic;?
(四)对食品生产经营企业的新建、扩建、改建工程的选址和设计进行卫生审查,并参加工程验收;    (4) to conduct hygiene inspection of sites selected or designs made for construction, extension or renovation projects of enterprises engaged in food production or marketing and participate in the inspection and acceptance of finished projects;
(四)货物种类。    (4) type of cargo.
(四)货物种类。    (4) type of cargo.
(四)货物种类;    (4) type of cargo;
(四)货物种类;    (4) type of cargo;
(五)餐具、饮具和盛放直接入口食品的容器,使用前必须洗净,消毒,饮具用后必须洗净,保持清洁;    (5) Tableware, kitchenware and containers for ready-to-eat foods must be cleaned and disinfected prior to use; cooking utensils and other utensils must be washed after use and kept clean;
(五)对污染或者有污染嫌疑的饮用水,应当实施消毒后排放,并在储水容器消毒后再换清洁饮用水;    (5) the drinking water that has been contaminated or is suspected of having been contaminated with cholera shall be disinfected before being drained off and the fresh water tank shall be disinfected before being refilled with clean water;
(五)病死或者死因不明的;    (5) Those which died of illness or died due to an unidentified cause; or
(五)病死或者死因不明的;    (5) Those which died of illness or died due to an unidentified cause; or
(五)对食物中毒和食品污染事故进行调查,并采取控制措施;    (5) to undertake investigation of accidents involving food poisoning or food contamination and take measures of control;
(六)卸货应当在卫生检疫机关的监督下进行,并且防止卸货的工作人员遭受感染。必要时,对卸货的工作人员从卸货完毕时算起,实施不超过 6日的就地诊验或者留验。    (6) the health and quarantine organ shall supervise the unloading of cargo and see to it that the workers shall not be contaminated. If necessary, these workers shall have on-site clinical check-up or check-up detention for less than 6 days after completion of the unloading.
(六)其他不符合国家有关动物防疫规定的。    (6) Those not listed above but failing to conform to the state provisions regarding animal epidemic prevention.
(六)其他不符合国家有关动物防疫规定的。    (6) Those not listed above but failing to conform to the state provisions regarding animal epidemic prevention.
(六)对违反本法的行为进行巡回监督检查;    (6) to make supervision and inspection rounds to see whether any act is committed against this Law;
(七)卸货必须在卫生检疫机关监督下进行,并且防止工作人员遭受感染,必要时,对卸货工作人员从卸货完毕时算起,实施不超过5日的就地诊验或者留验。    (7) the health and quarantine organ shall supervise the unloading of goods and see to it that the workers shall not be contaminated. When necessary, these workers shall have on-site clinical check-up or check-up detention for a period of less than 5 days after completion of the unloading.
(七)对违反本法的行为追查责任,依法进行行政处罚。    (7) to pursue investigation of the responsibility of persons who violate this Law and impose administrative punishment on them according to law; and
(八)负责其他食品卫生监督事项。    (8) to take charge of other matters that concern food hygiene supervision.
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