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维他命    B6Vitamin B6/Pyridoxine
婴儿配方奶粉    baby formulas
单身汉    bachelor/unmarried man/single man
背脊    back
后座乘客    back-seat passengers
暗箭伤人    back-stabbing
后备电源/后备供电系统    back-up power system
撤回较早前对下半年的盈利预测    backed away from its previous forecasts for the second half of the year
背靠内地,面向世界    backed by the Mainland and engaged globally
为支持工业而不实行环保政策    backed the trade rather than clean-up measures
赞助商    backers
备份    backup/back up
(事件发生后的)余波    backwash
菌血症    bacteremia
细菌感染    bacterial infection
细菌    bacteria(pl)/bacterium(sing)
呆坏帐    bad and doubtful debts
呆坏帐拨备减少    bad debt provisions fall???
严重腐烂的(内脏)    badly decomposed
受重伤的人    badly injured people
唱衰香港    badmouthing Hong Kong
巴芬岛    Baffin Island
行李带    baggage carousel
巴林(麦纳麦)    Bahrain(Manama)
国际收支差额    balance of payments (n); Britain's balance of payments is up this month because of increased exports./Balance of payments is the difference between the amount of money coming into a country from the goods and services it exports, and the amount of money going out for the goods and services it imports. Balance of trade is the difference in value between the visible exports (goods and services) and visible imports of a country.
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