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五、在生产特别许可证书有效期内不再生产该产品的;    (5) No more production of the product during the validity of the SPLs.
(五) 对委托其发布的信息内容未进行审核或者对委托单 位和个人未进行登记的;    (5) Not inspecting the content of information released on behalf of someone else or not registering the unit or individual on whose behalf the information was released;
六、生产、储存现场无事故隐患;    (6) No potential risk for accidents at the production and storage sites.
(六) 未建立电子公告系统的用户登记和信息管理制度的 ;    (6) Not establishing a system for registering users and managing the information of electronic bulletin boards;
(七) 未按照国家有关规定,删除网络地址、目录或者关闭服务器的;    (7) Not removing web addresses and directories or not closing servers according to the relevant state regulations;
(八) 未建立公用帐号使用登记制度的;    (8) Not establishing a system for registering users of public accounts;
国家标准可以分级分等。企业主管部门要规定生产企业达到国家标准最高等级的期限。    National standards may be classified and graded. The competent authorities responsible for the enterprise shall fix a time limit for achieving the highest grade of the national standards.
国道主干线公路网    National trunk highway network
天然类药物    Natural drugs
天然气集输设备    Natural gas gathering and transmission equipment
天然橡胶    Natural rubber
自然保护区    Nature reserves
薄板坯、薄带坯等近终型连铸连轧    Near-terminal continuous casting and rolling of thin plate blanks and thin belt blanks
新型抗肿瘤药品(含抗肝炎药物)及新型心脑血管药    New anti-carcinogen drugs (including anti-hepatitis drugs) and new cardio- and cerebro-vascular drugs
汽车、摩托车新型发动机    New automobile and motorcycle engines
氨基酸新菌种    New bacteria for amino acids
新型生物化学药品系列(含生化诊断试剂)    New biochemical medicine series (including agents for biochemical diagnosis)?
新型刹车材料    New braking materials
新型电力电子技术及装置    New electric and electronic technologies and devices
新型电子元器件(含片式元器件)及电力电子元器件    New electronic elements and parts (including elements and parts in chips) and electronic elements and parts for electricity
新型保密机    New encryption machines
新型解热镇痛药物    New fever and pain relievers
精细化工新产品    New fine chemical products
新型高效催化剂    New high-efficiency catalysts
新型高速九层以上瓦楞纸    New high-speed nine-layer and over corrugated paper
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