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经济金融术语汉英对照表    A B C D E F G H I J K L M N O P Q R S T U V W X Y Z


大一统的银行体制    (all-in-one) mono-bank system
稳健的银行系统    a sound banking system
加快态势    accelerating trend
会计准则    accounting standard
结构性矛盾突出    acute structural imbalance
从价税    ad valorem tax
吞吐基础货币    adjustment of monetary base
行政措施    administrative measures
汇兑支出    advance payment of remittance by the beneficiary's bank
税后还贷    amortization (repayment of loans) after tax
适度从紧    appropriately tight
资产集中    asset concentration
资产贡献率    asset contribution factor
资产组合    asset portfolio
资产质量    asset quality
分税制    assignment of central and local taxes;tax assignment system
不变价    at constant price;in real terms
紧缩政策    austerity policies;tight financial policies
经营自主权    autonomy in management
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