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万国商业机器    IBM
取代    IBM成为全球最大计算机制造商unseat IBM as the world's leading computer maker
廉署执行处首长李铭泽    ICAC Director of Operations Daniel Li Ming-chak
冼锦华涉嫌泄露扫黄行动情报,以换取免费性服务,遭廉署拘捕。    ICAC officers arrested Sin on suspicion of accepting free sex from prostitutes in exchange for tip-offs about vice raids.
破冰之旅    ice-breaking trip
破冰船    icebreaker
冻柠檬茶    Iced Lemon Tea
冰岛    Iceland
在    ICQ互相见面saw each other on ICQ
透过    ICQ认识met through ICQ
鉴证科    Identification Bureau
确定污染来源    identified the source of the contamination
查找不足    identify inadequacies/examine its inadequacies
找出有山泥倾泻危险的地点    identify sites at risk of landslide
调查意外成因    identify the causes of the incident
确认死者身份    identify the dead
意识形态指导者    ideological guru
狂热宣扬某种理念的人    ideologue
若然北京选择释法,就会是回归以来的第三度释法。    If Beijing opts for an interpretation, it would be the third interpretation of the Basic Law since the handover.
如果短期内没有实质成果    if concrete results are not seen in the near term
若然他没有违反缓刑的规定,那就会改判他为终身监禁。    If he does not violate the terms of the suspension, the sentence will be commuted to life in prison.
若他发现有一位候选人众望所归,他或会改为支持该名候选人。    If he finds that there is a candidate who enjoys widespread support, he may give his backing to that candidate.
若然他能成功连任    if he is re-elected
若然油价维持在每桶三十美元以上,经济增长必会受到打击。    If oil prices remain above $30 per barrel, growth rates will inevitably be hit.
如果朝鲜半岛的紧张局势持续恶化    if tension on the peninsula continues to worsen
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