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兽药管理条例中英文对照    A B C D E F G H I J K L M N O P Q R S T U V W X Y Z


(四)兽药经营质量管理规范规定的其他经营条件。    (4) other distribution conditions laid down in the Good Sale Practice for Veterinary Drugs.
(四)其他不符合兽药国家标准,但不属于假兽药的。    (4) other veterinary drugs that are not up to the national standards of veterinary drugs but are not counterfeit.
(五)兽药生产质量管理规范规定的其他生产条件。    (5) other requirements for manufacture specified in the Good Manufacturing Practice for Veterinary Drugs.
(七)涉及兽药安全性的其他资料。    (7) other data concerning safety of the veterinary drug.
符合前款规定条件的,申请人方可向市、县人民政府兽医行政管理部门提出申请,并附具符合前款规定条件的证明材料;经营兽用生物制品的,应当向省、自治区、直辖市人民政府兽医行政管理部门提出申请,并附具符合前款规定条件的证明材料。    Only when meeting the requirements specified in the preceding paragraph may an applicant submit an application, which is attached with the documents certifying that the requirements specified in the preceding paragraph are met, to the administrative department for veterinary medicine of the people’s government of the city or county; an entity that intends to distribute veterinary biologics shall submit an application, which is attached with the documents certifying that the requirements specified in the preceding paragraph are met, to the administrative department for veterinary medicine of the people’s government of the province, autonomous region or municipality directly under the Central Government.
符合前款规定条件的,申请人方可向省、自治区、直辖市人民政府兽医行政管理部门提出申请,并附具符合前款规定条件的证明材料;省、自治区、直辖市人民政府兽医行政管理部门应当自收到申请之日起20个工作日内,将审核意见和有关材料报送国务院兽医行政管理部门。    Only when meeting the requirements specified in the preceding paragraph may an applicant submit an application, which is attached with the documents certifying that the requirements specified in the preceding paragraph are met, to the administrative department for veterinary medicine of the people’s government of the province, autonomous region or municipality directly under the Central Government, which shall, within 20 working days from the date it receives the application, submit its opinions of verification and relevant materials to the administrative department for veterinary medicine of the State Council.
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