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死人不会泄秘。    Dead men tell no tales.
死亡使一切平等。    Death is the great leveller.
行动胜于空谈。    Deeds, not words.
功与赏绝少结伴而行;赏罚不明乃司空见惯。    Desert and reward seldom keep company.
渴望越久的就越希望得到。    Desires are nourished by delays.
绝症须用烈药医。    Desperate diseases must have desperate remedies.
强中自有强中手。    Diamond cuts diamond.
势均力敌。    Diamond cuts diamond.
不满意是进步的开端。    Discontent is the first step in progress.
勇敢贵乎审慎。    Discretion is the better part of valour.
距离让景色增添魅力。    Distance lends enchantment to the view.
照我所说的做,别照我所做的来做。    Do as I say, not as I do.
随俗而行,众人称颂。    Do as most men do, then most men will speak well of you.
入乡随俗。    Do as the Romans do.
己所不欲,勿施于人。    Do as you would be done by.
己所欲施于人。    Do as you would be done by.
入乡随俗。    Do in Rome as the Romans do.
机不可失,时不再来。    Do it now.
莫把珍珠丢猪前;莫对牛弹琴。    Do not cast your pearls before swine.
未真正脱离险境前,勿作脱险之庆。    Do not halloo till you are out of the wood.
勿踢刺棍;勿以卵击石。    Do not kick against the pricks.
莫用旧瓶装新酒。    Do not put new wine into old bottles.
作客不久留;不要使人厌倦对你的欢迎。    Do not wear out your welcome.
凡事不可半途而废。    Do nothing by halves.
善有善报。    Do well and have well.
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