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古希腊神话(中英对照)    A B C D E F G H I J K L M N O P Q R S T U V W X Y Z


30 拉俄达弥亚    30? Laodamia
莫塞尼亚的王子伊达斯最后出场。那些王子们的命运并未使他气馁,因为他有海神波塞冬的支持。海神同意了他的恳求,赐他两匹快马,并劝告他一旦赢得竞赛,就应夺过战利品并策马躲避国王的进攻。他按海神的话做了。结果国王伊万诺斯失去了女儿——生活中惟一的希望,因而投江自尽。    Last came Idas,prince of Messenia. He was not discouragedby the fate of those men,because he had Poseidon on his side.Granting his prayers,the seagod had given him two fleet horses? and advised him to take his reward as soon as he won therace and flee from the king's attack . He did as he had been told,and King Evenus,lost his own daughter,his only hope inlife,drowned himself in a river.
据说后来埃弥斯得到了雕像并带着它到了自己的新领地。木像和神火一起被保存在这块土地上。    Later it was said that Aeneas got hold of it and carried itwith him to his new land,where it was Preserved together with the goddess' fire.
21 吃忘忧树的人     21? Lotus Eaters
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