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燃气销售企业发现用户违反安全用气规定的,应当予以劝阻、制止、提出改正意见。    Upon discovering any users violating regulations on safe use of gas, the fuel gas selling enterprise shall dissuade and stop the users from such a violation and put forward suggestions for correction.
发现漏气瓶、超重瓶等不符合规定的燃气气瓶,应当妥善处置,不得放入瓶库。    Upon discovering fuel gas cylinders that fail to meet requirements such as leaky or overweight cylinders, the selling enterprise shall make proper disposal and shall not put them in the cylinder storehouse.
燃气销售企业接到用户报修后,应当在规定的期限或者与用户约定的时间内派人到现场维修;    Upon receiving the user’s report, the fuel gas selling enterprise shall send servicemen on the spot to do maintenance within the prescribed period of time or at the time appointed with the user.
用户应当委托具有资质的安装单位安装燃气器具。市燃气管理处应当向用户提供相关的咨询服务。    Users shall entrust the qualified installation unit to install fuel gas appliances. The MFGMO shall provide users with related consultancy service.
用户应当按时支付燃气使用费。逾期不支付的,燃气销售企业可以按日加收应支付款额千分之三的滞纳金;    Users shall pay fuel gas use fees on schedule. In case of no payment within the stipulated period of time, the fuel gas selling enterprise may impose fines for overdue payment per day equivalent to three per thousand of the bills payable.
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