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(二)加工贸易项下进口外商提供的不作价设备,除旧加工设备需要办理入境检验检疫手续外,免于办理机电产品进口证件。    (2)Non-priced import equipment under processing trade is exempted from import license of mechanical and electronic products except procedures of entry inspection and quarantine for used processing equipment.
实际用汇额不超过原定用汇额10%的,不需变更《进口许可证》。    No alteration of the Import License is needed if the actual foreign exchange used is less than 10% of the foreign exchange quota.
电力建设项目不得使用国家明令淘汰的电力设备和技术。    No power equipment and technology declared obsolete by formal decree of the State shall be used for power construction projects.
任何单位和个人不得在依法划定的电力设施保护区内修建可能危及电力设施安全的建筑物、构筑物,不得种植可能危及电力设施安全的植物,不得堆放可能危及电力设施安全的物品。    No unit or individual may construct any buildingsorother constructional structures, plant vegetation, or place objects which might endanger the safety of power facilities within power facility protection areas demarcated according to law.
任何单位和个人不得非法占用变电设施用地、输电线路走廊和电缆通道。    No unit or individual may illegally occupy or utilize the land designated to substation facilities, transmission line corridors, and cable channels.
海关监管不作价设备,监管期限为5年。    Non-priced equipment shall be under the supervision of customs for 5 years.
加工贸易项下进口的不作价设备在海关监管期内,原设备使用单位申请提前解除监管或监管期已满但设备不再由原单位使用的;    Non-priced import equipment under processing trade that within the supervising term of customs and applied for release from the supervision of customs in advance by the original using entities or with expired supervising term and not used by the original using entities;
“非一批一证”是指同一份《进口许可证》在有效期内可以分批次累计报关使用,但累计使用不得超过十二次。    “Non-one-batch-one-license” means the same Import License can be used for clearance for several times accumulatively within the period of validity, but shall not exceed 12 times accumulatively.
“非一批一证”是指同一份《进口自动许可证》在有效期内可以分批次累计报关使用,但累计使用不得超过6次。海关在《进口自动许可证》原件“海关验放签注栏”内以正楷字体批注后,海关留存复印件,最后一次使用后,海关留存正本。    “Non-one-batch-one-license” means the same Import License can be used for clearance for several times accumulatively within the period of validity, but shall not exceed 12 times accumulatively. Customs shall write remarks in the column of “customs examination remark” of the original Import License with round hand and keep copies, and retain the original one after its final usage.
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