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第二十一条 对驳回申请、不予公告的商标,商标局应当书面通知申请人。申请人不服的,可以在收到通知十五天内申请复审,由商标评审委员会做出终局决定,并书面通知申请人。    Article 21. Where the application for registration of a trademark is refused and no publication of the trademark is made, the Trademark Office shall notify the applicant of the same in writing. Where the applicant is dissatisfied, he may, within fifteen days from receipt of the notification, apply for a review. The Trademark Review and Adjudication Board shall make a final decision and notify the applicant in writing.
第二十一条 本规定由国家版权局负责解释。    Article 21.The interpretation of these Provisions shall be the responsibility of the National Copyright Administration of China.
第二百一十条 设立质权,当事人应当采取书面形式订立质权合同。    Article 210 For establishing the pledge right, the parties concerned shall enter into a contract on pledge right in written form.
第二百一十一条 质权人在债务履行期届满前,不得与出质人约定债务人不履行到期债务时质押财产归债权人所有。    Article 211 The pledgee and the pledger may not, prior to the time limit for paying debts expires, stipulate that the ownership of pledged properties be attributed to the obligee when the obligor fails to pay due debts.
第二百一十二条 质权自出质人交付质押财产时设立。    Article 212 The pledge right shall be established after the pledgee has delivered the pledged properties.
第二百一十三条 质权人有权收取质押财产的孳息,但合同另有约定的除外。    Article 213 Unless it is otherwise stipulated in the contract, a pledgee has the right to obtain the fruits of the pledged properties.
第二百一十四条 质权人在质权存续期间,未经出质人同意,擅自使用、处分质押财产,给出质人造成损害的,应当承担赔偿责任。    Article 214 Where a pledgee, without consent of the pledger, illegally uses or disposes of the pledged properties within the duration of the pledge right, and thus damages are caused to the pledger, he/it shall make compensations.
第二百一十五条 质权人负有妥善保管质押财产的义务;因保管不善致使质押财产毁损、灭失的,应当承担赔偿责任。    Article 215 A pledgee shall be obliged to properly keep pledged properties; and where pledged properties are damaged or lost by virtue of improper keeping, the pledgee shall make compensations.
第二百一十六条 因不能归责于质权人的事由可能使质押财产毁损或者价值明显减少,足以危害质权人权利的,质权人有权要求出质人提供相应的担保;出质人不提供的,质权人可以拍卖、变卖质押财产,并与出质人通过协议将拍卖、变卖所得的价款提前清偿债务或者提存。    Article 216 Where any cause not attributable to t the pledge' fault may result in the destruction of the pledged properties or an obvious decrease of the value of the pledge, and which is sufficient to damage the pledgee's rights, the pledgee has the right to require the pledger to provide corresponding security. Where the pledger refuses to do so, the pledgee may auction or sell off the pledged properties, and may, by negotiating with the pledger, seek preferred payments for the obligee's rights in advance with the money generated from such auction or sell-off, or submit the said money to a competent authority for keeping.
第二百一十七条 质权人在质权存续期间,未经出质人同意转质,造成质押财产毁损、灭失的,应当向出质人承担赔偿责任。    Article 217 Where a pledgee transfers, without consent of the pledger, the pledge within the duration of the pledge right, and thus destroy or loss are caused to the pledged properties, he/it shall make compensations to the pledger.
第二百一十八条 质权人可以放弃质权。债务人以自己的财产出质,质权人放弃该质权的,其他担保人在质权人丧失优先受偿权益的范围内免除担保责任,但其他担保人承诺仍然提供担保的除外。    Article 218 A pledgee may abandon the pledge right. Where an obligor provide the pledge right by his/its own properties, and the pledgee abandons the pledge right, unless any of other security providers promises to provide the security all the same, other security providers' security liability will be exempted within the scope for which the pledgee has lost the right to seek preferred payments.
第二百一十九条 债务人履行债务或者出质人提前清偿所担保的债权的,质权人应当返还质押财产。    Article 219 Where the obligor has paid off the debts or the pledger has fulfilled the secured obligee's rights in advance, the pledgee shall return the pledged properties.
第二十二条 发明或者实用新型的独立权利要求应当包括前序部分和特征部分,按照下列规定撰写:    Article 22 An independent claim of an invention or utility model shall contain a preamble portion and a characterizing portion, and be presented in the following forms:
第二十二条(募捐性收入的处理)举办募捐性体育竞赛,举办人应当将竞赛经费收支预算报市体委批准。    Article 22 Donation Management When conducting donative sports contests, the sponsor must report the revenue and expenditure budget of contest funds to the MPCSC for approval.
第二十二条 在下列情况下使用作品,可以不经著作权人许可,不向其支付报酬,但应当指明作者姓名、作品名称,并且不得侵犯著作权人依照本法享有的其他权利:    Article 22 In the following cases, a work may be used without permission from, and without payment of remuneration to, the copyright owner, provided that the name of the author and the title of the work shall be indicated and the other rights enjoyed by the copyright owner by virtue of this Law shall not be prejudiced:
第二十二条 全民所有的博物馆、图书馆和其他单位对收藏的文物,必须区分文物等级,设置藏品档案,建立严格的管理制度,并向文化行政管理部门登记。    Article 22 Museums, libraries and other institutions under ownership by the whole people must classify the cultural relics in their collection by different grades, compile files for the relics kept by them, establish a strict system of control and register the relics with the relevant department for cultural administration.
第二十二条 不动产登记费按件收取,不得按照不动产的面积、体积或者价款的比例收取。具体收费标准由国务院有关部门会同价格主管部门规定。    Article 22 Realty registration fees shall be charged on each piece, and may not be charged on the basis of the size, volume or certain proportion of the realty's value. The concrete charging rates shall be formulated by the related departments in the State Council in collaboration with the competent pricing department.
第二十二条 学校应当按照国务院教育行政部门规定的标准配置体育场地、设施和器材。    Article 22 Schools shall, according to the criteria set by the department of education administration under the State Council, have sports fields, sports installations and facilities and sports apparatus.
第二十二条 布图设计权利人可以将其专有权转让或者许可他人使用其布图设计。    Article 22 The holder of right of a layout-design may assign his exclusive rights or license another person to exploit his layout-design.
第二十二条 作者生前未发表的作品,如果作者未明确表示不发表,作者死亡后五十年内,其发表权可由继承人或者受遗赠人行使;没有继承人又无人受遗赠的,由作品原件的合法所有人行使。    Article 22. In the case of posthumous works, the right of disclosure may be exercised by the author's heir in title or other beneficiary for a period of 50 years, unless a prior statement by the author says expressly to the contrary. In the absence of heir in title or other beneficiary, the said right shall be exercised by the lawful holder of the original copy of the work.
??? 第二十二条? 海上保险合同,除法律另有规定外,适用本条例的规定。    Article 22. Unless otherwise stipulated by The Law, the present Regulations shall apply to contracts of marine insurance.
第二十二条 对初步审定、予以公告的商标提出异议的,商标局应当听取异议人和申请人陈述事实和理由,经调查核实后,做出裁定。当事人不服的,可以在收到通知十五天内申请复审,由商标评审委员会做出终局裁定,并书面通知异议人和申请人。    Article 22. Where an opposition is filed against the trademark that has, after examination, been preliminarily approved and published, the Trademark Office shall hear both the opponent and applicant state facts and grounds and shall, after investigation and verification, make a decision. Where any party is dissatisfied, he may, within fifteen days from receipt of the notification, apply for a review, and the Trademark Review and Adjudication Board shall make a final decision and notify both the opponent and applicant in writing.
第二十二条 授予专利权的发明和实用新型,应当具备新颖性、创造性和实用性。    Article 22.? Any invention or utility model for which patent right may be granted must possess novelty, inventiveness and practical app1icability.
第二十二条 本规定自一九九二年九月三十日起施行。    Article 22.These Provisions shall enter into force as of September 30. 1992.
第二百二十条 出质人可以请求质权人在债务履行期届满后及时行使质权;质权人不行使的,出质人可以请求人民法院拍卖、变卖质押财产。    Article 220 A pledger may, upon expiration of the time limit for paying debts, request the pledgee to exercise the pledge right in a timely manner; if the pledgee fails to do so, the pledger may ask for the people's court to auction or sell off the pledged properties.
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