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中国土地房屋与建筑行业法规中英数据库    A B C D E F G H I J K L M N O P Q R S T U V W X Y Z


国家依法实行国有土地有偿使用制度。但是,国家在法律规定的范围内划拨国有土地使用权的除外。    The State introduces the system of compensated use of land owned by the State except the land has been allocated for use by the State according to law.
国家为公共利益的需要,可以依法对集体所有的土地实行征用。    The State may requisition land owned by collectives according to law on public interests.
国家依法保护开发者的合法权益。    The State protects the legitimate rights and interests of developers.
  有关建筑工程安全的国家标准不能适应确保建筑安全的要求时,应当及时修订。    The state safety standards on construction projects which can not ensure the safety of buildings shall be amended without delay.
国家编制土地利用总体规划,规定土地用途,将土地分为农用地、建设用地和未利用地。严格限制农用地转为建设用地,控制建设用地总量,对耕地实行特殊保护。    The State shall compile general plans to set usages of land including those of farm or construction use or unused. A strict control is to place on the turning of land for farm use to that for construction use to control the total amount of land for construction use and exercise a special protection on cultivated land.
土地行政主管部门和统计部门共同发布的土地面积统计资料是各级人民政府编制土地利用总体规划的依据。    The statistical materials about the land areas issued by land administrative departments and statistical departments serve as the basis for people's governments at all levels in compiling the general plans for the utilization of land.
  抢险救灾及其他临时性房屋建筑和农民自建低层住宅的建筑活动,不适用本法。    The stipulations of this Law are not applicable to buildings erected for risk and disaster relief, other buildings for provisional use and low- stored residential buildings constructed by farmers for their own use.
前款所称依法申请使用的国有土地包括国家所有的土地和国家征用的原属于农民集体所有的土地。    The term ""apply for the use of land owned by the State according to law"" used in the preceding paragraph refers to land owned by the State and also land originally owned by peasant collectives but having been requistitioned by the State.
前款所称城镇国有土地是指市、县城、建制镇、工矿区范围内属于全民所有的土地(以下简称土地)。    The term ""State-owned land in the urban areas~ as used is the preceding paragraph refers to the land owned by the whole people (hereinafter referred to as ""the land~) within the limits of cities, county sites, administrative towns and industrial and mining areas.
临时使用土地期限一般不超过二年。    The term for the temporary use of land shall not usually exceed two years.
本规定所称外商投资建筑业企业,是指根据中国法律、法规的规定,在中华人民共和国境内投资设立的外资建筑业企业、中外合资经营建筑业企业以及中外合作经营建筑业企业。    The term ‘foreign-invested construction enterprise’ mentioned in these regulations refers to a wholly foreign-owned construction enterprise, or a Sino-foreign equity construction joint venture or a Sino-foreign cooperative construction enterprise established within the territory of the People’s Republic of China in accordance with Chinese laws and regulations.
以货币化安置款购买的商品住宅产权,属于购房人所有。    The title to the commodity residential house purchased with the monetized resettlement money shall belong to the purchaser.
地方各级人民政府编制的土地利用总体规划中的建设用地总量不得超过上一级土地利用总体规划确定的控制指标,耕地保有量不得低于上一级土地利用总体规划确定的控制指标。    The total amount of land for construction uses in the general plans of land use compiled by local people's governments at all levels shall not exceed the controlled targets set in the general plans for land use at the next higher level and the total amount of cultivated land should not be lower than the controlled targets set in the general plans for land use at the next higher level.
  转让、出租、抵押前款划拨土地使用权的,分别依照本条例第三章、第四章和第五章的规定办理。    The transfer, lease or mortgage of the allocated right to the use of the land referred to in preceding paragraphs shall be handled respectively in accordance with the provisions in Chapters III, IV and V of these Regulations.
农村村民住宅用地,经乡(镇)人民政府审核,由县级人民政府批准;其中,涉及占用农用地的,依照本法第四十四条的规定办理审批手续。    The use of land for building houses should be examined by the township (town) people's governments and approved by the county people's governments. Whereas occupation of agricultural land is involved the examination and approval procedure provided for in Article 44 of this law is required.
土地利用总体规划的规划期限由国务院规定。    The validity term of the general plans for land use shall be determined by the State Council.
现就有关问题通知如下:?    Therefore, the relevant issues shall be notified as follows:
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