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中国商业贸易法律法规中英数据库(二)    A B C D E F G H I J K L M N O P Q R S T U V W X Y Z


不参加执行事务的合伙人有权监督执行事务的合伙人,检查其执行合伙企业事务的情况。    The partners who do not participate in the conduct of partnership affairs shall be entitled to monitor the partner(s) who conducts partnership affairs, and review the status of the partnership affairs conducted thereby.
经全体合伙人协商一致,可以修改或者补充合伙协议。    The partnership agreement may be amended or supplemented after agreement is reached by all the partners after consultation among them.
合伙协议不得约定将全部利润分配给部分合伙人或者由部分合伙人承担全部亏损。    The partnership agreement may not provide that all profits be distributed to certain partners or that all losses be borne by certain partners.
合伙协议可以载明合伙企业的经营期限和合伙人争议的解决方式。    The partnership agreement may prescribe a term for the partnership and the method for the resolution of dispute among the partners.
合伙企业应当有书面协议。    The partnership enterprise shall have a written agreement.
当事人主张抵销的,应当通知对方。通知自到达对方时生效。抵销不得附条件或者附期限。    The party availing itself of set-off shall notify the other party. The notice becomes effective when it reaches the other party. Set-off may not be subject to any condition or time limit.
当事人对复议决定仍不服的,可以依法向人民法院提起诉讼。    The party that has objections against the decision of re-discussion can lodge a lawsuit with a people's court in accordance with law.
使用自行研制的或者境外生产的密码产品,转让商用密码产品,或者不到国家密码管理机构指定的单位维修商用密码产品,情节严重的,由国家密码管理机构根据不同情况分别会同公安、国家安全机关没收其密码产品。    The password products produced by itself or oneself or produced overseas, the commercial password products transferred or the commercial password products not being repaired in the units designated by the State Password Administration Institution, in the serious cases, shall be confiscated by the State Password Administration Institution jointly with the organs of public security and the state security.
中国人民银行可以根据市场发展和管理的需要调整金融机构的同业拆借资金限额。    The PBC may alter the interbank borrowing quotas of financial institutions according to market development and management requirements.
中国人民银行可以根据市场发展和管理的需要调整金融机构的拆借资金最长期限。    The PBC may alter the term of interbank borrowing for financial institutions according to market development and management requirements.
中国人民银行会同国家发展和改革委员会依法对境内金融机构赴香港特别行政区发行人民币债券的资格和规模进行审核,并报国务院。    The PBC shall, jointly with the NDRC, verify the qualification and scale of RMB bonds to be issued by financial institutions within the territory of China in Hong Kong, and report the decision to the State Council.
前款所列人员应当遵守公司章程,忠实履行职务,维护公司利益,不得利用在公司的地位和职权为自己谋取私利。    The people listed in the preceding paragraph shall observe the articles of association of the company, faithfully perform their duties and protect the interests of the company. They are not allowed to seek personal gains by abusing the positions and powers they hold in the company.
中国人民银行根据银行间外汇市场形成的价格,公布人民币对主要外币的汇率。    The People's Bank of China announces the exchange rate of Renminbi against major currencies on the basis of the prevailing exchange rates in the inter-bank foreign exchange market.
中国人民银行不得向任何单位和个人提供担保。    The People's Bank of China may not provide guaranty for any unit or individual.
中国人民银行有权对金融机构违反规定提高或者降低存款利率、贷款利率的行为进行检查监督。    The People's Bank of China shall have the power to inspect and supervise banking institutions as to whether they raise or lower the interest rates on deposits or loans in violation of regulations.
中国人民银行就前款规定以外的其他有关货币政策事项作出决定后,即予执行,并报国务院备案。    The People's Bank of China shall immediately implement the decisions on monetary policies for matters other than those specified in the preceding paragraph and report them to the State Council for the record.
中国人民银行根据银行间外汇市场形成的价格,公布人民币对主要外币的汇率。    The People's Bank of China shall publish the exchange rates of Renminbi against major foreign currencies according to the prices fixed at interbank foreign exchange swap centers.
中国人民银行在国务院领导下,制定和实施货币政策,对金融业实施监督管理。    The People's Bank of China shall, under the leadership of the State Council, formulate and implement monetary policies and exercise supervision and control over the banking industry.
人民法院对有财产担保债权和无财产担保债权的申报,应当分别登记。    The people's court shall register separately claims that are secured with property and claims that are not secured with property.
人民法院对有财产担保债权和无财产担保债权的申报,应当分别登记。    The people's court shall register separately claims that are secured with property and claims that are not secured with property.
人民法院对有财产担保债权和无财产担保债权的申报,应当分别登记。    The people's court shall register separately claims that are secured with property and claims that are not secured with property.
人民法院认定该裁决违背社会公共利益的,应当裁定撤销。    The people's court shall rule to cancel the award if it holds that the award is contrary to the social and public interests.
人民法院要加强与相关部门的沟通协调,及时受理、审理各类涉及非法证券活动的民事、刑事案件,对性质恶劣、社会危害大的案件依法予以严惩。    The people's courts shall, with the relevant authorities, enhance the communication and coordination, effectively accept and try different civil and criminal cases involving unlawful securities activities, and impose punishment strictly in accordance with law against cases with severe nature and with great social dangers.
各省、自治区、直辖市人民政府,国务院各部委、各直属机构:?    The people's governments of all provinces, autonomous regions, municipalities directly under the Central Government, all ministries and commissions of the State Council, all institutions directly under the State Council,
各省、自治区、直辖市人民政府,国务院各部委、各直属机构:    The people's governments of all provinces, autonomous regions, municipalities directly under the Central Government, all ministries and commissions of the State Council, and all organs directly under the State Council,
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