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中国商业贸易法律法规中英数据库(二)    A B C D E F G H I J K L M N O P Q R S T U V W X Y Z


受理申请的部门一般为一个部门。    The department for accepting applications shall, as a general rule, be one department.
受理申请的部门一般为一个部门。    The department for accepting applications shall, as a general rule, be one department.
上一级机关应当在收到申请之日起30日内作出复议决定。    The department shall, within 30 days from the date of receipt of the application, make the decision of reconsideration.
国务院有关部门和县级以上地方各级人民政府的有关部门、国务院或者县级以上地方各级人民政府授权的组织,是有关行业、业务范围内民办非企业单位的业务主管单位(以下简称业务主管单位)。    The departments concerned under the State Council and the departments concerned of local people’s governments at all levels above the county level, and organizations authorized by the State Council or local people’s governments at all levels above the county level are the competent business units for people-run non-enterprise units of relevant trades within their business scopes(hereinafter to referred to as competent business units for abbreviation).
国务院有关部门按照国务院的规定,履行技术进出口项目的有关管理职责。    The departments concerned under the State Council shall, according to the regulations by the State Council, perform the relevant functions and responsibilities for the administration of projects of technology import and export.
本市市政、园林、公安、公用、房地、财政、物价、广播电视等部门按照各自职责协同实施本办法。    The departments for municipal administration, public parks, public security, public utilities, housing and land, finance, price control, broadcast and television, etc. shall coordinate in the implementation of these Procedures in accordance with their respective duties.
代收股款的银行应当按照协议代收和保存股款,向缴纳股款的认股人出具收款单据,并负有向有关部门出具收款证明的义务。    The depository bank shall collect and hold the share proceeds in accordance with the agreement, and issue receipts to subscribers who have paid their share proceeds, and is obligated to provide to the relevant authority a certificate for receipt of share proceeds.
商用密码产品指定生产单位必须具有与生产商用密码产品相适应的技术力量以及确保商用密码产品质量的设备、生产工艺和质量保证体系。    The designated production units of the commercial password products shall have the techniques competent for the production of the commercial products and the equipments, produce arts and crafts and the quality guarantee system insuring the quality of the commercial password products.
商用密码指定科研单位必须具有相应的技术力量和设备,能够采用先进的编码理论和技术,编制的商用密码算法具有较高的保密强度和抗攻击能力。    The designated scientific research units of the commercial passwords shall have the corresponding techniques and equipments and be able to adopt advanced theories and techniques of coding and the arithmetic of the commercial passwords programmed shall have high secrecy intensity and ability against the attack.
投保人指定受益人时须经被保险人同意。    The designation of the beneficiary by the applicant is subject to the approval of the insured.
风险基金提取的具体比例和使用办法,由国务院证券监督管理机构会同国务院财政部门规定。    The detailed percentage of deduction and the procedures to use the fund will be decided by the State Council's securities regulatory and financial institutions.
股票溢价发行的具体管理办法由国务院另行规定。    The detailed regulatory measures concerning issuance of shares at a premium shall be prescribed by the State Council separately.
《中华人民共和国中外合资经营企业所得税法施行细则》和《中华人民共和国外国企业所得税法施行细则》同时康止。    The Detailed Rules for the Implementation of the Income Tax Law of the People's Republic of China Concerning Chinese-Foreign Equity Joint Ventures and the Detailed Rules for the Implementation of the Income Tax Law of the People's Republic of China for Foreign Enterprises shall be abrogated at the same time.
前款规定的实施办法由国务院规定。    The detailed rules for the implementation of the preceding paragraph are to be laid down by the State Council.
董事或者委员无正当理由不参加又不委托他人代表其参加董事会会议或者联合管理委员会会议的,视为出席董事会会议或者联合管理委员会会议并在表决中弃权。    The director of the board or committee member who fails to attend the meeting either in person or through a proxy without a reasonable excuse shall be regarded as having attended the meeting and abstained from voting.
金融机构的董事或法定代表人应当保证所披露的信息真实、准确、完整、及时。    The director or legal representative of that financial institution shall guarantee the genuineness, accuracy, integrity and timeliness of the disclosed information.
董事应当对董事会的决议承担责任。董事会的决议违反法律、行政法规或者公司章程,致使公司遭受严重损失的,参与决议的董事对公司负赔偿责任。但经证明在表决时曾表明异议并记载于会议记录的,该董事可以免除责任。    The directors shall be responsible for resolutions adopted by the board of directors. Where a resolution of the board violates any national statutes, administrative regulations or the articles of association, and causes the company to incur serious loss, those directors participating in the adoption of the resolution are liable to the company for damages. Provided, however, if a director is proven to have dissented at the vote adopting such resolution and such dissension was noted in the minutes, then the director may be exempt from liability.
公司董事、监事、经理应当向公司申报所持有的本公司的股份,并在任职期间内不得转让。    The directors, supervisors and general manager of the company shall report to the company the number of the company's shares held thereby, and may not assign such shares while they are in office.
前款所述争议包括:    The disputes stated in the preceding paragraph include:
国办发99号文规定:“严禁任何公司股东自行或委托他人以公开方式向社会公众转让股票。向特定对象转让股票,未依法报经证监会核准的,转让后,公司股东累计不得超过200人。”    The Document No. 99 of the State Council offers that: ""Any shareholder of a company shall be forbidden from transferring stocks to the members of general public in a public manner on its own or through an authorized person. Stocks are not reported to China Securities Regulatory Commission for approval, the number of shareholders of the company shall not surpass 200 in total after the transfer if stocks are transferred to specific objects,""
前款(一)、(三)项文件必须用中文书写;(二)、(四)、(五)项文件可以用外文书写,但应当附中文译文。    The documents mentioned in items (1) and (3) in the preceding paragraph must be written in the Chinese language; while the documents mentioned in Items (2), (4) and (5) in the preceding paragraph may be written in a foreign language, but a corresponding Chinese translation shall be attached.
出口配额管理部门和出口许可证管理部门要求申请人提交的文件,应当限于为保证实施管理所必需的文件和资料,不得仅因细微的、非实质性的错讹拒绝接受申请。    The documents requested by the administrative departments of export quotas and the administrative departments of export licenses for submission shall be limited to those documents and materials that are necessary for effecting the administration and the departments may not refuse to accept the applications under the pretext of trifle, immaterial mistakes or errors.
进口配额管理部门和进口许可证管理部门要求申请人提交的文件,应当限于为保证实施管理所必需的文件和资料,不得仅因细微的、非实质性的错讹拒绝接受申请。    The documents requested by the administrative departments of import quotas and the administrative departments of import licenses for submission shall be limited to those documents and materials that are necessary for effecting the administration and the departments may not refuse to accept the applications under the pretext of trifle, immaterial mistakes or errors.
进口配额管理部门要求关税配额申请人提交的文件,应当限于为保证实施关税配额管理所必需的文件和资料,不得仅因细微的、非实质性的错讹拒绝接受关税配额申请。    The documents requested by the administrative departments of import quotas for submission shall be limited to those documents and materials that are necessary for effecting the administration and the departments may not refuse to accept the applications under the pretext of trifle, immaterial mistakes or errors.
境内托管人应当在境外托管代理人处,开设保险外汇资金的境外外汇资金运用结算账户和证券托管账户,用于与境外证券登记结算机构之间的资金结算业务和证券托管业务。    The domestic custodian shall open settlement account for overseas use of foreign exchange insurance funds and securities custody account at the overseas escrow agent for fund settlement and securities custody with overseas securities registration and settlement institutions.
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