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中国商业贸易法律法规中英数据库(二)    A B C D E F G H I J K L M N O P Q R S T U V W X Y Z


10.名特优水产品养殖、深水网箱养殖    10.Breeding of famous, special and fine aquatic products, as well as cage culture in deep water
2.图书、报纸、期刊的出版、总发行和进口业务    2.Business of publishing, producing, master issuing, and importing of books, newspaper and periodical
(三) 公路口岸进出境的保税货物。    3. Bonded goods exited or entered via road ports.
三、个体、私营经济业户要正确理解和认识建帐和查帐征税的意义。    3.Business Households of Self-employed Private Economy Should Have a Correct Understanding and View of the Significance of Establishment of Accounting Books and Taxation on Audit of Accounts.
3.音像制品和电子出版物的出版、制作、总发行和进口业务    3.Business of publishing, producing, master issuing and importing of audio and visual products and electronic publications
(六)卖方直接或者间接从买方获得的该货物进口后转售、处置或者使用的收益。    6. benefits obtained by the seller from the buyer directly or indirectly from the resale, disposal., or use of goods after importation.
(六)卖方直接或者间接从买方获得的该货物进口后转售、处置或者使用的收益。    6. benefits obtained by the seller from the buyer directly or indirectly from the resale, disposal., or use of goods after importation.
九、 请人民银行各分支机构将本通知转发至辖区内城市商业银行、农村商业银行、农村合作银行和外资银行。    9. Branches and sub-branches of the PBC shall forward the present Circular to all urban commercial banks, rural commercial banks, rural cooperative banks and foreign-funded banks within your respective jurisdictions.
9.优良种畜种禽、水产苗种繁育(不含我国特有的珍贵优良品种)    9.Breeding of quality varieties of breeder animals, breeder birds and aquatic offspring (excluding precious quality varieties peculiar to China)
2.工程中途停建、缓建,应采取措施弥补或减少损失,同时赔偿承包方由此而造成的停工、窝工、倒运、机械设备调迁、材料和构件积压等损失和实际费用。    b. If construction is stopped or postponed in the course of the work, it shall adopt measures to offset or reduce the losses and at the same time compensate the contractor for losses and actual expenses incurred as a result thereof due to work stoppages, idling of the labour force, changes in transportation, transfers of machinery and equipment, overstocking of materials and components, etc.
2.对危险物品和易腐货物,不按规定操作或妥善保管,造成毁损的,负责赔偿损失。    b. If dangerous articles or perishable goods are not handled according to stipulations or are not carefully stored, and are thereby damaged, it shall be liable for paying compensation for the losses.
2.擅自拆改房屋、设备、机具等财产,负责赔偿由此而造成的损失。    b. If it dismantles or alters a house, equipment, machine tools or other property without permission, it shall be liable for making compensation for the losses caused thereby.
2.未按合同规定质量提供出租财产,负责赔偿由此而靠造成的损失。    b. If it does not provide the leased property in accordance with the quality stipulated in the contract, it shall be liable for paying compensation for the losses caused thereby.
2.超过规定期限领取定作或修理的物品,应向承揽方给付逾期保管费。    b. If it exceeds the deadline stipulated for taking delivery of the articles ordered or repaired, it shall pay a storage fee to the contracting party for the overdue period.
2.未按合同规定日期付款或提货、应偿付违约金。    b. If it fails to make payment or take delivery on the date prescribed in the contract, it shall pay breach of contract damages.
2.由于在普通货物中夹带、匿报危险货物,错报笨重货物重量等而招致用具断裂、货物摔损、吊机倾翻、爆炸、腐蚀等事故,承担赔偿责任。    b. If it smuggles or conceals dangerous goods among ordinary goods or incorrectly declares the weight of heavy goods, etc., thus causing lifting equipment to break, the goods to be broken or damaged, cranes to be overturned, or an explosion, corrosion or other similar accident to occur, it shall be liable for paying compensation.
2.货物错运到货地点或接货人,应无偿运至合同规定的到货地点或接货人。如果货物运到逾期,偿付逾期交货的违约金。    b. If the goods are sent to the wrong destination or receiving person, it shall transport them free of charge to the destination or receiving person stipulated in the contract. If the goods are delivered after the stipulated time, it shall pay breach of contract damages for overdue delivery.
2.产品错发到货地点或接货单位(人),除按合同规定负责运到规定的到货地点或接货单位(人)外,并承担因此而多支付的运杂费;如果造成逾期交货,偿付逾期交货的违约金。     b. If the goods are sent to the wrong destination or receiving unit ( or individual ), in addition to transporting the goods to the destination or receiving unit ( or individual ) prescribed in the contract, it shall also be liable for paying any extra freight and miscellaneous charges incurred as a result thereof; if the error causes overdue delivery, it shall pay breach of contract damages for overdue delivery.
2.未按合同规定的质量、数量完成定作方交付的工作,应无偿进行修理、补足数量或者酌减报酬。 如果工作成果有重大缺陷,还应承担赔偿责任。    b. If the quality or quantity of work delivered to the ordering party does not conform to the prescriptions of the contract, it shall, without charge, undertake to make repairs or supplement the quantity or, depending on the circumstances, reduce remuneration. If the results of the work have a serious defect, it shall also be liable for making compensation.
2.超议定储存量储存或逾期不提时,除交纳保管费外,还应偿付约金。    b. If the weight stored exceeds that agreed upon or the goods are not picked up on time, in addition to the payment of storage fees, it shall also pay breach of contract damages.
2.工程质量不符合合同规定。发包方有权要求限期无偿修理或者返工、改建,经过修理或者返工、改建后,造成逾期交付的,承包方偿付逾期的违约金。    b.If the construction quality does not conform to the stipulations of the contract, the party awarding the contract shall have the right to demand that the project be repaired or remedied and reconstructed within a fixed time and without extra payment, and if such repair or remedy and reconstruction causes overdue delivery of the project, the contractor shall pay breach of contract damages for overdue performance.
外汇指定银行和经营外汇业务的其他金融机构,应当根据中国人民银行公布的汇率和规定的浮动范围,确定对客户的外汇买卖价格,办理外汇买卖业务。    Banks designated to handle foreign exchanges and other financial institutions designated to handle foreign exchange businesses shall fix the prices of the foreign exchanges traded between their clients and handle foreign exchange transactions according to the exchange rates published by the People's Bank of China and the floating range specified by this bank.
外汇指定银行和经营外汇业务的其他金融机构,应当根据中国人民银行公布的汇率和规定的浮动范围,确定对客户的外汇买卖价格,办理外汇买卖业务。    Based on the exchange rates announced by the Peoples Bank of China and the specified margins, designated foreign exchange banks and other financial institutions undertaking foreign exchange operations can quote the buying rate and selling rate for their clients and conduct the trading of foreign exchange accordingly.
有违法所得的,并处没收违法所得;可以责令停业整顿;情节严重的,由工商行政管理机关吊销营业执照。    be confiscated of the illegal gains therefrom, if any; and may be ordered to stop his business for rectification; and if the circumstance is serious, the administrative department for industry and commerce shall revoke his business license.
由于此项政策适用时是针对企业的全部所得,既包括企业的自产产品销售所得,也包括其外购产品的销售所得,为准确、合理地落实此项政策,所称当年出口产品产值和当年产品产值的口径应一致,且均包括销售外购产品的产值。    Because the policy aims at the total income of an enterprise, which includes both the income from the sales of its own products and the income from the sales of purchased products, the standards for calculating the value of the products exported in that year and for calculating the total output value in that year shall be consistent, and the value of the purchased products that have been sold are included in both of the two values so as to accurately and reasonably carry out this policy.
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