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台湾司法院双语词汇    A B C D E F G H I J K L M N O P Q R S T U V W X Y Z


中华民国四十八年短期公债发行条例    Act Governing the Issuance of 1959 Short -Term Public Bond
中央政府兴建台湾北部第二高速公路建设公债发行条例    Act Governing the Issuance of the Public Construction Bond by the Central Government for Building Second Taiwan North Highway
外国护照签证条例    Act Governing the Issuance of Visas in Foreign Passports
国营事业管理法    Act Governing the Management of State-owned Enterprises
公务人员抚恤法    Act Governing the Payment of Compensation to Surviving Dependents of Public Functionaries
政务官退职酬劳金给与条例    Act Governing the Pension of the Special Political Officials
驻华外国机构及其人员特权暨豁免条例    Act Governing the Privileges and Immunities of Foreign Offices and their Personnel in the Republic of China
妨害国币惩治条例    Act Governing the Punishment for Damaging National Currency
妨害兵役治罪条例    Act Governing the Punishment of Offences Against Military Service
违警罚法    Act Governing the Punishment of Police Offences
道路交通管理处罚条例    Act Governing the Punishment of Violation of Road Traffic Regulations
国军老旧眷村改建条例    Act Governing the Reconstruction of Old Villages for Military Personnel and Their Dependents
戒严时期人民受损权利回复条例    Act Governing the Recovery of Damage of Individual Rights during the Period of Martial Law Rule
窃盗犯赃物犯保安处分条例    Act Governing the Rehabilitative Measures for Offenses of Caching and Receiving Stolen Property
后备军人转任公职考试比叙条例    Act Governing the Replacement Test of the Reserve Military Personnel for Civil Positions
学校教职员退休条例    Act Governing the Retirement of School Teachers and Staff
中华民国领海及邻接区法    Act Governing the Territorial Sea and the Contiguous Zone of the Republic of China
国军军事勤务致人民伤亡损害补偿条例    Act of Compensation for Damages to the Public from Military Activities
冤狱赔偿法    Act of Compensation for Wrongful Detentions and Executions
契约行为    act of contract
土地征收条例    Act of Eminent Domain
奖励投资条例    Act of Encouragement of Investment
两性工作平等法    Act of Gender Equality in Employment
军事教育条例    Act of Military Education
志愿士兵服役条例    Act of Military Service for Volunteer Enlisted Men
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